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Totton Allotments and Gardens Association

Totton Allotments and Gardens Association

Winter dig

Winter dig

Winter digging is usually started any time after the last crops have been removed from the ground. Typically I tend to start my winter digging in November providing the weather is good.

The idea behind winter digging is to prepare the ground for the crops next year by thoroughly cultivating vacant ground, before Christmas, and incorporating well-rotted organic matter in the process, this improves the soil.

I have found that I start with good intention in November and when Christmas comes I still haven’t completed the digging. Over the years I have found that I will finish off the digging early in the new year mid to late January.

Most of the time is waiting to get the correct conditions dig as working the ground when it water logged does help the soil structure.

If your ground has only surface weeds/vegetation as shown above, the technique I use is to use my spade and scrap the weeds/vegetation off  the top. I will either compost this material if there is no perennial weeds in. If not I will bag it up and take it to the local tip for recycling. With the surface material removed I dig the ground turning the soil over. Any roots which are turned over tend to rot down during the winter period. I have found this this method saves times and effort.